The First Days
your soft lips
with your still soft beard
pressed hard against me
as if it’s trying to connect
all the thoughts, all the feelings
spilling out
I smile
I laugh
as if you did rub off
lust that seems like more,
but how can lust be more
when we don’t even know what the next hour will bring?
words try to escape my slightly open lips
muddied in moans
muddied in lust
I almost want to tell you -
I love you
but nothing comes out
I know I only know of lust
at least for this moment,
playing with my favorite game
your reassuring hands,
your swallowing arms
you squeeze me tight,
I tell you -
I’ve not felt this kind of goodness
I wonder, if this is real
for half a second of a moan
until it wakes me up
and brings me back to this physical moment
bursting of something,
something more than a release
something that seems to exist
in some happy place between lust and love.